Download the database of Anchiq verbs: .csv
This index contains 200 Anchiq verb roots and some information on their inflectional properties.
The columns of the index indicate the following information:
Id — identificator of a root, retained for the sake of compatibility with printed index.
Label — a lexical label of a verb
Translation - russian translation of a lexical label
Root - a root of a verb in ist underlying form
Slot - presence of class agreement clot — indicates whether a verb can agree with its absolutive argument
Conj - conjugation type: A, E or U.
Nas - indicates if a verb is mophophonologically nasalized
Lab - indicates if a verb is mophophonologically labialized, +Lp stands for parasytic labialization, +Lr stands for robust labialization of velars, uvulars and laryngeals
Son - indicates, whether a verb has a mophophonologically sonorant auslaut
Defic - paradigm deficiency type: Norm means non-deficient paradigm, Incr denotes that a verb can attach only causativized (increased) morphology, Std denotes that a verb can attach only non-causativized (standard) morphology
Irreg - contains all known paradigm irregularities: AltIPFV means that a verb chooses an alternative set of imperfective morphology, AddIPFV means that a verb has an additional form of imperfective in analytic paradigm.